- Amortising Loan
- Amount Protected
- Arranger
- Base Rate
- Basis point
- Benchmark Rate
- Business Day
- Calculation Agent
- Calculation Period
- Cap Certificate
- Cap Investment
- Cap Rate
- Cap-It
- Cap-It Issuer Limited
- Capped rate
- Capped rate loan
- Capped rate mortgage
- Certificate
- Certificate Holder
- Certificates Register
- Certified High Net Worth Investor
- Conditions
- Confirmed Certificate Terms
- Contingent Liability
- Deed Poll
- Early Exit Costs
- Early Repayment Charges
- Elective Professional Client
- Eligibility Statement
- Eligibility Test
- Eligibility Type
- Entity
- FAQs
- FCA (Financial Conduct Authority)
- Fixed Rate
- Fixed Rate Business Loan
- Fixed Rate Mortgage
- Floating Rate
- Floor Certificate
- Floor Investment
- Floor Rate
- Form of Confirmed Certificate Terms
- Forward Starting Certificate
- Interest Rate Cap
- Interest Rate Floor
- Interest Rate Swap
- Interest-only loan
- Issue Date
- Issue Price
- Issuer
- Issuer Mark-up
- Issuer Spread
- Key Information Document
- Lender’s Margin
- Market Break Cost
- Maturity Date
- Member
- Minimum Issuer Mark-up
- Modified Following Business Day Convention
- Non-Constant Certificate
- Payment Amount
- Payment Date
- Payment Formula
- Payment Frequency
- Privacy Policy
- Proceeds
- Reference Date
- Registrar
- Regulated Mortgage
- Risk Statement
- Self-Certified Sophisticated Investor
- SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle)
- Standard Business Loan
- Standard Variable Rate
- Start Date
- Strike Rate
- Subscriber
- Subscription Agreement
- Subscription Funds
- Subscription Price
- Supplemental Subscription Agreement
- Tailored Business Loan
- Tracker Mortgage
- Underlying Counterparty
- Underlying Investment
- Underlying Investment Cost
- Variable rate
- Website
- Website Terms of Use
- Weighted Average of the Base Rate